Dry Amendment Recipes,  Recipes

AAK-Alfalfa Aloe Kelp Top Dressing

AAK-Alfalfa Aloe Kelp top dressing Veg.

Prep Time10 minutes
Keyword: Alfalfa kelp top dressing, Vegitative top dressing


  • 5 gallon pail For mixing dry ingredients


  • ¼ Cup Alfalfa Meal
  • ¼ Cup Aloe (fresh is better) but Freeze Dried Aloe works
  • ¼ Cup Kelp Meal
  • 3-4 Gallons E.W.C Earthworm Castings or Finished Compost


  • Take the 5 gallon pail all of the compost or E.W.C (earthworm castings) whichever you decide to go with or even a mix of the two and all of the dry ingredients. Blend well and apply to the root zone around the base of your plants. Make sure to water your plants immediately after application to ensure nothing dry's out or blows away, we also recommend a light mulch layer to help keep all of our micro life happy.


If you are working with FRESH ALOE blend it with water or light compost tea to make a liquid that maximizes aloes ability to condition soil and improve the soils ability to hold water.