
Important Timing and Dates…

Timing is everything with any outdoor gardening success. These dates can vary from place to place depending on geographical location.

My dates look like this…

March 15-31st

Seed germination and nurturing young plants of suitable genetics for my climate. This is also the time I batch my HOT amended soils for composting/cooking prior to use.

April 16-

This date is significant because it is the point in my regions light cycle reaches 14 hours of daylight. 14 continuous hours is necessary to keep plants in vegetative state of growth.

June 15-30th

Top dressing plants for vegetative growth.

August 1-15th

Bloom top dressing is applied to all newly flowered plants.

September 15-30th

Closely monitoring entire crop for signs of flowers maturing.

September 31st-October 31st

Harvesting plants as they ripen and closely monitoring R.H. and temperature of drying plants.


You can go online to figure out optimal times for your own region or just use ours. We live in the north (zone 3) and our dates will work almost anywhere!